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Reality Check

China’s movie industry- the NEW world’s largest box office empire

China's movie industry has yet again taken the title for the world's largest box office. With massive budgets and millions of viewers, we look...

Tassie Owners Wrecked – MP Elise Archer’s Crooked Hand in this Mess

Last year, MP Elise Archer refused to support a parliamentary inquiry into deteriorated building standards in Tasmania. This was in the midst of the...

Construction Delays- What’s Causing Them and When will this be Over?

The onset of the coronavirus pandemic since early 2020 has significantly harmed the construction industry. Across the globe, countries reported major delays in construction...

Post Pandemic Recovery – Migrants & Students Opt Away From Australia

Migrants and international students have been marginalised by the Australian government for years, particularly under the Liberal party who have gone to great lengths...

Fines in Australia- why they disproportionately impact the underprivileged

Like many parts of the world fines in Australia exist for a number of reasons. In this article, we explore if fines are disproportionately...

Dan Andrews Plays Politics with Legalising Cannabis in Victoria

Cannabis legalisation is becoming increasingly common in the developed world. Countries like the United States and Canada proved the incredible benefits that cannabis legalisation...

Skilled Migrants and International Students Are Avoiding Australia -Why?

For a long time, Australia was regarded as among the top destinations for skilled migrants and international students. But the latest waves of skilled...

The Modern-Day Corporate Sweatshops of PWC & Friends

From 'prestigious employer to corporate sweatshops, how did we get here? PWC, KPMG, Ernst & Young, Deloitte, Accenture, and the likes. They are amongst...

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