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Personal Finance

How to Best Protect Yourself From Cryptocurrency Scams

As the world becomes an increasingly virtual place, online scams become prevalent. In 2021, cryptocurrency scams generated a revenue of almost $7.7 billion. This...

What is Avalanche (AVAX) and how is it different?

What is it? Avalanche commonly known as AVAX launched in 2020 by the Ava Labs team is a cryptocurrency that possesses smart contract capabilities. Much like...

Portfolio Transfer – How To Transfer Between Australian or US Platforms

What is Portfolio Transfer? Portfolio transfer occurs when traders want to transfer their investment from one brokerage platform to another. The transfer takes place through...

The Best Platforms to Invest in NFTs

What is an NFT? A non-fungible token is a cryptographic asset that is stored on a blockchain. In simple terms NFTs act as digital assets...

Cryptocurrency ETFs – What are the best options in 2022?

What is an ETF? An 'ETF' which stands for Exchange Traded Fund, acts as a type of security. It tracks a commodity, sector, or asset...

Cryptocurrency wallets: what are hot and cold wallets?

What are cryptocurrency wallets? A crypto wallet stores public or private keys for cryptocurrency transactions. These keys are passwords that give you access to your...

What is Solana and how is it different to other coins?

What is Solana? Unlike the early days of the crypto market, investors are more inclined to base their decisions around fundamentals, thus asking questions like...

Sending funds to family in Australia? Beware of Section 99B

30% of Australians were born overseas. It's common for family funds to be moved to/from Australia to other family members/accounts. If you are receiving...

International trading apps for Australians in 2022 – a comparison

The last year saw a record number of Australians entering the retail investment space. When it comes to the world of trading platforms, the...

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